Badges/Certificates can be found in the following places
Award notification email
Award notification modal
Profile page
Check your registered email’s inbox for our award notification.
You will find your badge as an attachment, and instructions on how to share the badge on LinkedIn.
If you can’t locate the email, check your spam folder.
Sharing badges on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest
Find the badge wish to share on your profile page.
Navigate to the Social tab, if one is provided.
Select the social media button you wish to share your badge on.
A dialog box will pop up asking for you to sign in with your credentials
Sign in to create your post and share it with your network.
Sign in to LinkedIn, and navigate to your profile.
If you have the Certifications section already added to your profile, simply scroll to the section and click the pencil (edit) icon to enter edit mode, then go to Step 5.
If you don’t have the Certifications section added to your profile yet, scroll below the Contact Information section at the top section of your profile page, and click the View link.
Click on the “More” link to see a complete list of sections you can add.
In the Certifications section, click on “Add Certifications.”
Then, the Certifications section will appear on your profile.
Type the name of the Badge in the Certification Name field—for example, Data Mapping Automation.
Enter Securiti as the Certification Authority in the following field.
A Certification Authority is the trusted organization that has issued the certificate.
Next, in the “Dates” field, choose the Start month and year from the drop-down lists.
If the certification has no expiry date, checkmark the “This Certificate Does Not Expire” button.
Click the Save button.
Verify the certificate name, issuing authority, and Start/End dates are correct.