PrivacyOps Certification

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Module 13
PrivacyOps Certification
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The Benefits of the PrivacyOps Approach

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Following are some of the benefits of cultural change, automation, orchestration, and collaboration enabled by PrivacyOps:

  • Better understanding A common PrivacyOps framework that correlates information from various privacy practices, such as readiness assessment, data discovery/linking, consent management, and DSR fulfillment, can provide a better overall understanding of privacy posture and regulatory risks to the organization.
  • Real-time oversight of privacy risks An up-to-date real-time view of the data privacy risks that may exist inside the organization, based on how data is collected from subjects of various residencies, how consent is collected along with data, how personal data is shared internally and externally, and where it is stored.
  • Agility Move at high velocity to accomplish and maintain compliance with ever-changing privacy regulations across various geographies. Respond to data subject requests swiftly from multiple geographies with ease, providing a delightful and trust-building experience to subjects. Quickly notify affected subjects of any security incidents and breaches, as required by multiple privacy regulations. Reduce time spent on manual efforts, increasing productivity and effectiveness.
  • Reliability Ensure that various aspects of privacy compliance across the organization, including internal assessments, vendor assessments, PI data linking, consent understanding, the fulfillment of data subject requests, and compliance records, are reliable. Greater reliability builds trust with subjects, avoids regulatory penalties, and enhances the organization’s brand.
  • Scalability Operate various aspects of privacy practice at scale, across multiple applications, with large data sets, across different geographies, and diverse stakeholders and regulations.
  • Increased Expertise Increases the privacy understanding and expertise of diverse teams across the organization by spending more time on expert-level tasks than manual and mundane tasks related to assessments, DSR fulfillment, data discovery, and subject communication.
  • Improved Secure Collaboration Enable effective collaboration across diverse teams, from legal, privacy, IT, cybersecurity, marketing, development, and support groups. Enable collaboration around sensitive PI data without the need to share sensitive PI data over generic email and messaging tools.
  • Improved Brand Develop a unique market position with trust-based relationships with both prospective and current clients. Providing transparency on data handling practices and swiftly fulfilling access requests builds trust. The prospect of implementing a secure and transparent PrivacyOps infrastructure nurtures further awareness of the emergent need to adopt such practices on an industry-wide scale. This coincidentally serves as a motive in developing standardized PrivacyOps procedures and, therefore, a possible market niche for a singular platform.

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