PrivacyOps Certification

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Module 13
PrivacyOps Certification
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The PrivacyOps Approach to Data Mapping

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The PrivacyOps Approach to Data Mapping

PrivacyOps requires a system-of-record, a system-of-knowledge, a system-of-engagement and collaboration, and a system-of-automation and insights to bring all your subject matter experts (SMEs) into one place to dynamically document and track the flow of information in one platform. Any data mapping solution under the PrivacyOps methodology must, therefore, provide the following features:

A System of Record which maintains:A System of Knowledge which provides:
Information flows within and outside the organization – between other organizations (processors, vendors, contractors, suppliers, other data controllers).
Detailed metadata for every data element (data type, data format, location, accountability, access list, etc.).
The data map element handles definitions of all PD attribute types.
An expandable, organization-centric icon library allows users to define a component once and use it within multiple data maps or business process flow diagrams.
An inventory for all business flow assets.
Informational knowledge includes business flow records, component metadata, system-ownership, and system-generated insights, including data classification and privacy alerts, which ease businesses and organizations’ decision-making capabilities.
A System of Engagement & Collaboration which enablesA System of Automation and Insights that delivers
Mapping of complex data flows and business process diagrams on a flexible and collaborative artboard.
Working with multiple teams, subject-matter experts, & process/solution owners on any device, across multiple platforms and geographies seamlessly. All within a single, collaborative data map with messaging capabilities to communicate and invite collaborators.
A collaborative, easy to use environment that ensures that the data map is always up to date through automation, notifications, and policy alerts
Automated data maps created through metadata ingestion and automatic scanning and classification of data in hundreds of locations to populate properties for map elements.
The use of PD attributes discovered during live data scans as component metadata within data maps along with periodic re-scans to ensure the information is always up to date.
Automatic monitoring of map elements and process flows for compliance violations, policy-based alerts, breach impact analysis, and consent tracking.

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