PrivacyOps Certification

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Module 13
PrivacyOps Certification
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Why Do Organizations Need a Modern Data Mapping Solution?

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Why do organizations need a modern data mapping solution?

However, accurate, holistic, and dynamic data mapping continues to be an elusive problem for the following reasons:

  • Most organizations have a siloed and broadly scattered application landscape. 
  • There are multiple data collection and processing elements combined with in-house and cloud-based application and storage infrastructure, with highly fluid data sharing and processing agreements in place. 
  • With more than 80% of enterprise workflows now moving to the cloud, organizations find it hard to document and track the flow of information within their vendor’s cloud infrastructure.
  • Until now, organizations have conducted data mapping or data cataloging exercises using outdated spreadsheets, PowerPoint, or Visio diagrams, making it impossible to bring clarity to the gigantic mesh of interconnected interfaces, systems, and processes that define the modern business environment.
  • To identify the data held in their assets, systems and stores organizations currently use SQL, MySQL, Python, or other query languages to discover data attributes. However, due to large data volume, querying hundreds of tables can be time-consuming and impractical. 
  • Without a collaborative experience, business process knowledge tends to get locked up in subject matter experts’ minds, making it nearly impossible to build and maintain an accurate and holistic record of data and the organization’s processing activities.

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