PrivacyOps Certification

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Module 13
PrivacyOps Certification
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How Securiti Helps Simplify Data Privacy Management

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Securiti uses award-winning and innovative AI-powered robotic automation and data intelligence to develop a range of products that follow the philosophy behind PrivacyOps compliance. Using a secure privacy portal and multiple connected modules, organizations can use Securiti’s suite of Privacy solutions to implement a robust  PrivacyOps framework.

Data Mapping

With advanced Data Mapping software, organizations can automate data discovery, dynamically update data catalogs, trigger new assessments, and update their risk register. Data Mapping solutions can also initiate PIAs & DPIAs, generate RoPA reports, generate visual data maps for real-time data monitoring, and give real-time insights into risks related to data processing activities. 

Data Subject Rights (DSR) Request Fulfillment Automation

A DSR solution enables organizations to fulfill data requests within the stipulated time. Organizations can use a secure portal to receive and verify DSR requests, automatically link Personal Data to individual identities using AI, collaborate on tasks in a secure portal, save comprehensive records for regulatory review, and use robotic assistance to fulfill requests. 

Consent Lifecycle Management

Use the Universal Consent Management solution to capture consent and honor revocations effectively. According to the respective region, the Cookie Consent Management solution helps organizations automatically scan and categorize cookies, display personalized consent banners, and honor revocations via the preference center. The consent solution also maintains updated consent records to demonstrate compliance with regulations.

Sensitive Data Intelligence

The Sensitive Data Intelligence solution provides several capabilities in a single platform. 

Using  this solution, organizations can:

  • Discover sensitive and personal data across any structured, or unstructured assets.
  • Build a catalog of all shadow & managed data assets.
  • Enrich sensitive data catalogs with privacy, security, and governance metadata.
  • Enrich the sensitive data catalog with automated classification and tagging.
  • Discover and centralize sensitive asset and data posture.
  • Visualize and configure data risk.
  • And finally, the SDI solution can help organizations build a relationship map between data and its owners.

Privacy Notice Creation and Management

Utilize a secure portal and expert-made templates to publish and manage multiple privacy notices.  The portal incorporates various global privacy regulations and enables data subjects to manage their rights. Organizations can also automatically update their privacy notices when new personal data categories, processes, or cookies are discovered within their data stores.

Incident and Data Breach Management

Organizations can scan affected datastores after an incident to discover data subjects’ personal data and impacted jurisdictions. This solution helps organizations streamline the notification process and take immediate remedial steps to comply with the applicable global data privacy laws.

Vendor Assessments

Organizations can evaluate the privacy risks of third parties using smart assessment tools. These tools enable organizations to collect assessment information from third parties. It also enables collaboration among stakeholders, automates follow-ups, and provides compliance analytics.  

Assessment Automation

Using this solution, organizations can audit once and comply with multiple regulations. 

The solution also helps organizations to: 

  • Collaborate and track all internal assessments in one place.
  • Develop a comprehensive knowledge base of global regulatory requirements.
  • Have a single repository of all internal assessment responses and documents.
  • Easily share completed assessments with customers and partners.
  • Automatically assign tasks and follow-ups from relevant stakeholders.
  • Finally, the assessment automation solution helps organizations collaborate with subject matter experts, across functions, on one privacy platform.

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