PrivacyOps Approach to Privacy Notice Creation & Management

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PrivacyOps Approach to Privacy Notice Creation & Management

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The PrivacyOps approach to Privacy Notice creation and management incorporates a secure privacy portal which is used by an organization to publish detailed, transparent, and fully compliant privacy notices from a library list of different templates that require smart inputs. 

Organizations will be able to securely collaborate with partners internally within the portal to set up the notice. They shall easily create, manage, and track different versions and changes to the privacy notice. 

The PrivacyOps approach utilizes AI-powered robotic automation and data intelligence to continuously scan data stores and automatically update any changes to the collection, processing, sharing, selling, or retention of personal data.  The privacy notice is also updated automatically in real-time, ensuring compliance.

The continuous real time robotic updates of the privacy notice within the PrivacyOps platform is especially important for Organizations to be able to track and map dynamic tracking technologies employed on their websites and import the results into the privacy notice.

Finally, the PrivacyOps approach to privacy notice creation and management will also integrate links to the DSR fulfillment portal and Universal Consent Management for data subjects’ to exercise their rights through an accountable, efficient, easy-to-use transparent process.

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